Council approves plans to demolish Dudley Hippodrome

Theatres Trust is extremely disappointed by the news that Dudley Council has voted go ahead with its plans for the regeneration of the site of Dudley Hippodrome.

This will mean the demolition of this building which we believe could still have cultural or community use.

A late-1930s purpose-built variety theatre, the Hippodrome is Dudley’s only remaining lyric theatre and has been on our Theatres at Risk list since 2010.

Theatres Trust is a statutory consultee in planning and as such the council will need to consult with us on the proposed demolition of the Hippodrome. We can not support the demolition of theatre buildings until their viability has been disproven – and this has yet to be done for Dudley Hippodrome.

Given that demolition would mean the loss of a cultural venue and a building of, we believe, national significance and that there is a community group eager to restore and reopen the building we would also consider the option of call in to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, who has the power to take over planning applications rather than letting the local authority decide.

We have written to the council to inform of them of our position.