Interwar Theatres: Introductions to Heritage Assets

Historic England in partnership with Theatres Trust has published Interwar Theatres: Introductions to Heritage Assets, which looks at the style and construction of theatres in the period from 1915 to 1945.

Theatres of the interwar period are extremely diverse due to changes in theatre practice and building style. Considerable architectural effect was often deployed and the interwar theatres that remain are evocative reminders of past patterns of culture and entertainment, yet this period in theatre design is one of the least researched and little understood.   

This publication provides an architectural and historical overview of the theatres of the period by building type and looks at the risks they face and how they can be protected. 

It is part of a series of documents by Historic England introducing heritage assets to help with the understanding of sites or building types that are neglected or little understood. 

We would like to thank Mark Price, David Wilmore, and Vicky Simon for their contribution to the document, and Ian Grundy and other photographers for the use of their images. 

Download a copy of Interwar Theatres: Introductions to Heritage Assets

Cover image | Pavilion Theatre Worthing by Mark Price, Theatres Trust