New Theatres Trust archive catalogues available online

Thanks to the efforts of our wonderful archive volunteers, two of the Theatres Trust's archive collections have been catalogued.

You can view the catalogues online at archives hub.

The collections that have been catalogued are:

Alan Richardson Collection

Alan Richardson was a collector of theatre books, programmes and postcards. His postcard and book collections were donated to Theatres Trust in 2015.

The collection contains over 1,800 postcards of theatres in the UK and abroad.

AR KursaalAR HippodromeAR Belfast

Ernest Woodrow Collection

Ernest A. E. Woodrow (1860-1937) was a theatre architect and authority on theatre safety controls. There are only three known theatres that he is credited for, all in London: Collins's Music Hall, Islington; Camberwell Palace; and the only surviving one being Clapham Grand. He is also known for his contribution to Edwin O. Sachs’s Modern Opera Houses and Theatres.

His collection comprises four scrapbooks compiled by Woodrow himself, covering the subjects of theatre architecture and safety (particularly fire safety), and his own buildings and career.

Collins programmeComparativeSizes TheBuilderDSCF4118

If you would like to make an appointment to view these collections, please contact us.

You can also find out more about our Archive and Library here.