Levelling Up White Paper

The government has published its Levelling Up White Paper which includes 12 missions to be achieved by 2030.

Theatres Trust Director Jon Morgan responds:

It is great to see that the government’s Levelling Up White Paper’s includes ‘pride of place’ as one of its 12 missions and that it recognises the importance of the arts and culture to this. We know from our work with theatres in towns and villages across the country that they provide important social and cultural spaces for communities and there is huge value in investing in the performing arts and in cultural infrastructure, which can kickstart the revival of town centres and help reignite local pride.

This announcement comes in the same week that we’ve published our annual Theatres at Risk Register, which highlights those theatres that are in grave danger of being permanently lost to their communities. Theatres Trust urges councils and private owners alike to consider the long-term value of these buildings as cultural and community spaces and as drivers of a vibrant local economy.

Read more about the Levelling Up White Paper on the government website.