Planning Responses
We are a statutory consultee in the planning system. Keep up-to-date with our planning responses.
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Conversion of office to bar at Ambassador's Theatre
Listed building consent for conversion and rearrangement of back of house accommodation to provide a new bar and revised staff space was supported at Ambassador's Theatre in London's West End.
Chiller unit to roof of Apollo Victoria
Planning permission and listed building consent was supported for the addition of two chiller units to the theatre's roof, which will provide air conditioning to back of house areas.
Demolition and redevelopment of former Grand Theatre in Oldham
An objection was submitted to complete demolition of the former Grand Theatre and construction of a replacement residential development on the grounds of loss of heritage and environmental sustainability. Retention and adaptive re-use was urged.
Refurbishment of dressing rooms and staff areas at Apollo Victoria
Listed building consent for refurbishment and alterations within the Apollo's back of house was supported.
Replacement rooftop plant at Fortune Theatre
Listed building consent for the replacement of plant to the roof of the Fortune Theatre was supported.
Revision to plans at Cambridge's Arts Theatre
Planning permission and listed building consent was supported for revisions to plans for an area of roof, to facilitate it changing from WCs to a bar to serve its new studio theatre.
Replacement auditorium heating at Trinity Theatre
Listed building consent for a replacement heating system at Trinity Theatre in Tunbridge Wells was supported. It is smaller and more efficient that the system it is replacing.
Internal doorway opening at Morecambe Winter Gardens
Listed building consent was supported for the installation of a doorway between one of the commercial units to the front of the building and a bar.
Extension and refurbishment of Princess Royal Theatre in Port Talbot
Planning permission for a front extension to enlarge the foyer and make the theatre more prominent and welcoming was supported, along with internal alterations to improve facilities and accessibility.
Revised plans for Reading's Hexagon extension
Amendments were sought to the permitted scheme for extension at the Hexagon, which continues to be supported.
Internal alterations at Soho Theatre Walthamstow
Listed building consent for additions to current plans to provide a small sales kiosk, a sound and light lobby and screens within the foyer was supported.
Neon sign above stage door at Soho Theatre Walthamstow
Listed building consent for the installation of a neon artwork featuring a song lyric by Jonathan Richman & The Modern Lovers was supported.