Planning Responses
We are a statutory consultee in the planning system. Keep up-to-date with our planning responses.
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Trust maintains objection to Worcester's Lowesmoor Wharf scheme
Although the Trust has no comment on revised plans specifically as they are outside our remit, we have added further comments in objection due to the demolition of a mid-1800s music hall associated with Vesta Tilley.
New signage to Tunbridge Wells' Opera House canopy
The Trust raised no objections to the addition of a sign to the front of the Opera House's canopy. It is currently in use as a pub.
Replacement external sign at King Alfred Phoenix Theatre
The Trust supported advertisement consent for a new sign for the theatre in Golders Green, London Borough of Barnet, which currently lacks street presence being located within the grounds of a school.
Improvements at Chelmsford's Civic & Cramphorn Theatres
The Trust has welcomed Council investment into its theatres which will improve their facilities. This application sees replacement glazing and external terrace to the Cramphorn which will improve its foyer area and serve as an all-day venue.
Installation of boards and new signage for the 'Kit Kat Club'
The Trust raised no objection to the temporary installation of boards covering part of the Playhouse Theatre in London's West End as part of the theme for the 'Cabaret' run of shows.
Lightwell infill for additional space at Gielgud & Sondheim
The Trust supported proposals for infilling of an internal lightwell to provide a new bar/function space accessible from both theatres.
Neon sign above London's Playhouse foyer
The Trust supported listed building consent for installation of a neon sign to promote the theatre's temporary re-naming as the Kit Kat Club for the run of 'Cabaret'.
Repainting of two doors at the Playhouse in London's West End
The Trust raised no objection to the re-painting of two red doors to black to match the colour scheme for the run of 'Cabaret' and the 'Kit Kat Club' branding.
Addition of heritage plaque at Bathgate's Regal
The Trust supported the proposed installation of a circular plaque to the front of the theatre detailing its historic and architectural significance.
Objection to internal glazed entry lobby at London's Coliseum
The Trust objected to proposals for an enclosure within the theatre's foyer due to insufficient information and harm to significance, but is working with the theatre to find a solution which is more appropriate.
Alteration to former RAF Uxbridge scheme
The Trust raised no objection in principle to the removal of transfer to the Council of the former cinema/theatre on the site and scrapping of a new large-scale theatre, but urged engagement with the Trust on alternative investment in existing theatres.
Reinstatement of balcony at Clevedon's Curzon
The Trust supported listed building consent for works to bring the balcony at the Curzon in Clevedon back to use. It has recently been revealed following removal of a false ceiling below and has been used for storage.